
Samsung is a global leader in technology, known for its innovation in electronics, semiconductors, and consumer devices. Founded in 1938 in South Korea, it is best recognized for its smartphones, televisions, and home appliances. Samsung is also a major player in the semiconductor industry, producing memory chips and displays that power many devices worldwide. The company is known for its cutting-edge technology, high-quality products, and a strong presence in both consumer and business markets.

The Goal

The goal of this project was to completely redesign the "Samsung for You" website, which is Samsung's rewards redemption site. On this platform, customers who purchase a product from the main store can redeem a gift through a checkout journey. Additionally, they can explore promotions such as "Buy a TV and get a free smartphone."


In this project, I had the privilege of working alongside Leandro Guerra, a highly talented designer. The previous website deviated significantly from the look and feel of Samsung's institutional site and main store. To address this, we studied the branding guidelines provided by Samsung, as well as their existing pages.

We created several design drafts, and the pages underwent multiple iterations. Ultimately, we arrived at a design vision that aligned perfectly with what Samsung had envisioned for the site.

The Pages

We divided the work to tackle it efficiently: I was responsible for the Home Page, Category pages, and the Product page, while Leandro focused on the Checkout screens. We then collaborated on the Institutional pages, which included the Customer Service Center, FAQ, and Help sections.